

How can you help us?

There are many ways, we propose the following:

  • Sponsor one of our riders - each rider receives 30 hours of therapy a year which aids to improvement of his health. One hour of riding costs 110 kn.
  • Sponsor one of our horses. In order to keep them healthy and useful, there is lot to be done. Your money can help. Could you help us cover at least one part of the costs?

We greatly appriciate each donation sent to our accounts.

Krila is supported primarily by individuals and private foundations who believe in what we are trying to do-to heal, give hope and new opportunities to the disabled through the magical therapy of a moving horse.

In order to keep offering people living around us the opportunity to enjoy horseback riding despite their disabilities we need your support!

How To Help KRILA Financially

Our U.S. partner, International Service Centers (ISC) is a registered non-profit 501(c)3 organization which will route your gift to KRILA (without deducting an administration charge!) and send you a tax-deductible receipt.

To send a donation, please make your check out to:

Zagrebacka banka d.d.

Paromlinska 2

10000 Zagreb


SWIFT ZABA HR 2X account 2500-1129007


Your gift is definitely appreciated! And if you have any other ideas how you could help us in our work, feel free to contact us.

Partneri, sponzori i donatori