ESN Zagreb u Krilima

Erasmus Student Network Zagreb i udruga Krila održali su humanitarni događaj pod nazivom Horse Power, koji se održao 14.11.2013. od 8.30 do 12.30 na adresi Gornji Bukovac 18a.

Erasmus studenti, koji razmjenu odrađuju na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, pomogli su udruzi Krila čistiti staje te pružili svu potrebnu njegu konjima kojima udruga Krila raspolaže te su vidjeti kako izgleda terapija.

Video zapis:

Erasmus Connection
26 November 2013
  Have you ever thought about the human – animal connection?
The Erasmus exchange students experienced it with horsesat the farmthey visited two weeks ago. They came from all over the world to learnabout those beautiful animals as well as to workin The Wings Association,together with the volunteersinvolved in the programme there. It was a life changing experience for them.

  The nature and the animals thrilled the studentswho usually find themselves in the environment so different from the actual one. All of them learned how to take care ofhorses, clean the stables and how to becomehard-working farmers. The volunteers from theAssociation helped them by giving them chores around the farm and explaining the methods of seeing them through.

  The camera followed all of them aroundin order to make a video about the students working and having fun at the same time. The memorable and truly amazing moments were captured; some of the students were shy, while others were more sociable and open to meet new people from other countries, with a different lifestyle.There was enough work for all of them and they all got their own tasks.
The students had to make every effort to work: in order to clean the stables they needed to lead the horses out first, and the volunteers showed themhow to take the horses for a walk along the backyard. Autumn is a beautiful season, but the garden is full of thick and sometimes wet leaves, so the rest of the students put the galoches on andstarted to rake the leaves. The extra work was given: some of the students' tasks were to clean the backyard, to dig in the garden, and to feed the horses. While the students were working around the farm, the horses were strolling free in the backyard, rolling in the mud, grazing on green grass, as if trying to amuse the youth around them. For most of the students that was the first time to be so close to the farm animals. Nevertheless, they all seemed to be adopting well and enjoying themselves.

   After hard work there came a reward - a hot meal and some refreshments.
Despite feeling tired, both students and the volunteers feltsatisfied with what they had achieved. In the end, everyone had a good time - it was a great experience for all of them.
Students felt as if they could achieve almost anything by putting their mind to it, especially now when they are young. So there should be more actions like this withyoung people having the opportunity to cooperate withnature and to connect with animals, providing them a safe home and simultaneously experiencing the benefits of the volunteering work.

   What about the horses? Well, animals always give their love in return.
Written by:
Katarina Brblić, Martina Vuković, Daria Dukić and Božo Ivanković
The First Year Students at Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Interdisciplinary Study Programme of Culture and Tourism
Mentor: SunčanaTuksar Radumilo, prof.

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